We were introduced to WellnessPro at the end of June. Since starting with the shakes I have lost over 40 lbs and 18 inches, my wife Sandy has lost over 25 lbs and 16 inches, our 14 year old daughter has lost about 20 lbs and our son has lost 10 lbs. Since I have lost the weight I have much more energy, sleep much better at night and the constant aches and pains in my knees have disappeared. Our daughter is a competive ahtlete and since she started on the shakes her performance has improved greatly. When she is playing in hockey tournaments and has mulitple games in the same day she used to become fatigued but now she has an infrusion and has energy to spare.
Besides the health benefits the financial benefits are huge. We are saving about $600 a month on groceries and restaurant bills alone
Wellnesspro is a gender specific diabetic friendly shake anyone can use.